How To Tell If Your Cat Needs Emergency Medical Treatment

14 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

It is vital that you are well aware of when your cat may be in need of prompt emergency medical treatment. This way, your cat will have the best shot at getting better. To help you with this, you are going to want to take a few moments to review the following points.

Heavily Breathing

If your cat is suddenly breathing in a heavy manner, you will want to take it to an emergency vet clinic, no matter what time of the day or night it is. Signs of heavy breathing include breathing with its mouth open, heaving sides, wheezing, coughing, and strange abdominal noises that are happening while it is inhaling and exhaling.

Extreme Pain

While your cat may not be able to speak to tell you it is in pain, you can watch for obvious signs that point to the fact that your cat is in distress. Some of the signs of a cat in pain include, hissing, hiding, running from you when you touch a certain spot, howling, or panting. Even hiding around the house a lot more than usual can be a sign that your cat is in a lot of pain, as it may be trying to limit contact with you so you do not accidentally cause him additional pain by touching him.

Urinary Problems

There are a few urinary problems that you will want to watch out for. An example of a urinary problem, such as a urinary tract infection or a bladder infection, would be crying while urinating. You may also notice some blood in the cat littler box after your cat has relieved himself. Some cats may stop urinating in their litter box and go somewhere else in the house because they are associating the pain that they are experiencing with the littler box. Make sure that you are taking your cat to the emergency animal clinic the moment you notice that it is experiencing urinary problems, as death could quickly follow without prompt treatment.

Sudden Inability To Move Back Legs

If you have suddenly noticed that your cat is unable to move its back legs, you will want to seek out emergency treatment. This may be a sign of a heart condition that causes blood clots within the cat so you do not want to wait too long before receiving medical care for the cat.

With those three points in mind, you should have a much easier time deciding if you need to send your cat to the emergency animal clinic. Talk to a veterinarian who specializes in cat care for more information.
