4 Top Questions Pet Owners Have About Neutering A Dog

31 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Many animals who would make wonderful pets are put down every day because of the terrible crisis of pet overpopulation in this country. However, there is something that can be done about it, and the single most important thing that you can do to help the situation is get all your male pets neutered and your female pets spayed as soon as possible. However, some pet owners hesitate to get a dog neutered because they have lingering concerns. Here are the answers you need to the top questions pet owners have before getting a dog neutered.

Will Having My Dog Neutered Offer Him Any Health Benefits?

Yes, having your dog neutered can actually be great for his health. It can prevent testicular diseases as well as epididymitis. If you neuter your dog early in life, you never have to worry about him getting testicular torsion, testicular abscesses, testicular inflammation, testicular cancer, or epididymal cancer.

Can Neutering My Dog Cause Him to Stop Sneaking Out of the Fence?

It's common for dog owners to have problems with animals who climb out from under fences that are constructed for their safety. In fact, that's one of the reasons why neutering is necessary in the first place because male dogs who have escaped can impregnate multiple females. When you have your dog neutered, however, he is far less likely to have the desire to wander that causes him to turn into a canine escape artist.

Will Neutering My Dog Cause Him to Have Hormonal issues?

While hormones are more often discussed when speaking about female dogs, they are just as critical to the health of male dogs. Since the testicles are responsible for producing testosterone, your dog's hormone levels are sure to change after the procedure. This can be a positive thing, though. Consider the answer to the next question.

Can Neutering Do Anything About My Dog's Aggressive, Territorial Behavior?

The great news is that the answer to this question is yes. Thanks in large part to the reduction of testosterone, dogs who have been neutered are typically far less aggressive. They aren't as likely to do things like mark territory and be overly aggressive about protecting toys and food.

Finally, if you have any further questions about the process, it's a good idea to call your veterinarian today. Keep in mind that getting your dog neutered is in his best interests. It may also potentially save the lives of dozens of other animals who may otherwise be displaced by pet overpopulation.

To spay and neuter your pets, click the link or do an online search. 
